[SunRescue] Missing files from burned images

User Bobkeys BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Apr 2 10:32:29 CDT 2001

> > Back to suntoyz..... anyone got a spare 2.5.1 cd or the last release
> > that had the native C compiler?  I think that was 2.5.1, but not sure.
> > If so, get back with me off list (bobkeys at weedcon1.cropsci.ncsu.edu).
> I don't think any Solaris 2 release had the native C compiler.
> I have 2.5.1 CDs, but they don't have the C compiler...

Hmmm.  I was under the impression that there was a C compiler with
some of them.  Now, I am confused.  I would be interested in a spare
2.5.1, if you have one, though.



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