[SunRescue] OT: CA: It's Our Turn

Peter L. Wargo rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Apr 3 18:03:40 CDT 2001

On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Peter Joules wrote:

> I will do the Californians a swap, we will have the power cuts here in
> Wales, and they can have all the power they can burn at $0.09/KWh so long
> as we can have petrol at the price they think is high, what is it... about
> $1.50/gallon and they have our petrol at $6.00/gallon 8-)

We're up to $2.00 per gal in CA, still much cheaper than you.  However, I
(for one) would be happy as all shit to see the price go even higher.  As
a motorcyclist, I get 42MPG, and I'm sick to death of the monster SUV
driving, cell-phone yakking brain dead idiots on our highways.  A coworker
has a new mitsu SUV that gets 14MPG, that's obscene...


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