[SunRescue] sources of RAM for SS/10

Joshua D. Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Apr 9 19:06:00 CDT 2001

I'm interested in aquiring old hardware.  Most of the stuff I see
available isn't with a distance that I could pick up, which is a major
problem when talking about things like Sun4s.  Either that or it is more
$$$ than I can spare.  Anyway, unlike a lot of my fellow students, I'm
well on my way to getting out of school debt free (in part because I don't
borrow money for fun stuff, and in even greater part beause I don't
qualify for student loans, only the regular kind that require I start
making large payments right away), but this means that unless the computer
is going to be a major work horse for me, I can't spend much on it.  Hell,
all my computer gear taken together (half dozen machines) is worth less
than what the average newbie spends on a new PC.

Joshua Boyd

On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, P.A.Osborne wrote:

> > (Wish I had a similar source of de-commisssioned hardware, AFAIK Princeton does not have any similar "offerings" - I live just outside of Princeton, NJ)
> Its quite usefull - at least that what I tell the other half.
> More usefully I seem to be the only person interested here in 
> acquiring older Sun hardware.
> The biggest problem is arranging to rellocate equipt somewhere where
> it will be more usefull.
> So I know of two decommissioned SS20s and another two that are
> waiting to be taken out of service later this year.  But sorting
> out the removal, paperwork etc takes time - mainly as its seen as 
> a non essential amount of work - which also explains why we have
> a machine room full of rubbish.     Its also taken me 18 months for
> a load of dead (no really dead) equipt to get removed from the
> corner of my office.
> Ho hum.
> As I get stuff coming up I will be prepared to make it available in
> the UK just give me chance to sort out the paperwork,  sort out the
> hardware and sort out my wedding.  (So if anyone knows of must see
> places that are not in the guide book in Boston - US....)
> Cheers
> Paul
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