[SunRescue] HELP: Cannot assemble drivers for root problem

Peter L. Wargo rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Apr 9 21:10:34 CDT 2001

Wrong, the 140 board is not longer produced or supported, it is a FCO to
give you the 170E board.  The problem is FW SCSI instead of narrow, and
hme instead of le.  Bood a cdrom and use devlinks to rebuild the device
tree, then mv hostname.leo to hostname.hme0.  You will then have FW SCSI,
100mbit ethernet, and a UPA card slot.


Peter L. Wargo
pwargo at basenji.com
Owner/operator of basenji.com.

On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Gil Young wrote:

> Return the part, let Sun send you the right part.  They should still have 
> spares for the 140, it is not at EOL.  If you want to try and keep the 170, 
> well, have fun!
> Gil
> At 03:35 PM 4/9/01 -0500, you wrote:
> >I have an Ultra 1/140 Solaris 2.5.1 with a bad fan so I called Sun and
> >instead of sending me a new fan, I received an entire Ultra 1/170E
> >motherboard.
> >
> >After swapping the motherboard, I get the following error message:
> >
> >Cannot assemble drivers for root....
> >Cannot mount root on ...
> >
> >Then the system halts.  I tried doing a "boot -r" but that didn't help.
> >How can I tell the system to boot with a generic kernel and rebuild
> >itself and the device entries...
> >
> >johnl
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> Gil Young
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