[SunRescue] RE: starter system (future purchase)

Tugrul Galatali rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Apr 10 17:09:33 CDT 2001

> Also, anybody got any leads on either a 200 MHz CPU for an Ultra 2 for less than $130 or a great price on a 300 MHz CPU for same (at under $250)? I got this Ultra 2 with one 200 MHz CPU and I think I should either grab an additional 200 MHz CPU or upgrae the box to a 300 MHz CPU... (because I can, that's why... ;^) Sun has offerred a two pack of 300 MHz CPUs for the Ultra 2 on Ebay for $800, but that is a bit much for my needs...
> Ken

	There is a vendor on Ebay that puts a bunch of 200Mhz parts for 125$
everynow and then. You just missed a batch :( I think they'll be back...

	Tugrul Galatali	

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