[SunRescue] Changing screen resolution in solaris 8?

Bill Bradford rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Apr 23 10:23:19 CDT 2001

On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 11:13:42AM -0400, User Bobkeys BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak wrote:
> Is there a way of setting in hardware the SS5 to the lower resolution?


How do I set the resolution of the primary frame buffer?

First, verify that the resolution is supported - see Question 5.

The resolution is specified as rHORIZxVERTxFREQ - the r and x 
characters are significant.

To set the resolution, run the following command as root: 

# eeprom output-device=screen:r1280x1024x76

then reboot. Alternatively, halt the machine and type 

ok setenv output-device screen:r1280x1024x76
ok reset

Some frame buffers have their own configuration programs; 
for the ZX you should use leoconfig: 

 /usr/kvm/leoconfig -m 1280_67 

while for the SX you should use cg14config: 

 /usr/kvm/cg14config -r 1280x1024 at 66 


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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