[SunRescue] Re: Bill's Entertainment Center

Dan Lane rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Apr 24 11:38:02 CDT 2001

Bill Bradford sent the following on Tue, 24 Apr 2001...

> We bought a new huge suitcase (one of the kinds with wheels and a telescoping
> handle) for the honeymoon.  Since we've gotten back, the cats LOVE to sleep
> on top of it.  We also have a cat that loves to cram himself into any
> box he can find and sleep in that...
> Bill

My parents used to keep cats when I lived at home, they used to lie buy
the log fire when we had it on at night cause it was nice and warm, thing
was, when the fire wasn't lit they still used to lie in front of it and
purr... I guess they just assumed it was nice and warm :P

Bill, perhaps your cat has ambitions to be a bonsai kitten :) ...


Dan Lane (d at x11.net)

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