[SunRescue] Re: Bill's Entertainment Center

Dan Lane rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Apr 25 05:13:41 CDT 2001

*puts on his best Bill Bradford voice*...

Take it to the Sunhelp -> Kitty list guys!


Dan Lane (d at x11.net)

Web: http://www.logicbomb.net
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linc sent the following on Tue, 24 Apr 2001...

> > Kitty is the box-loving cat. he's a large tomcat, 20lbs or so. if there
> > is a box, he will sit on/in it. i've caught him in shoe boxes (sides
> > bending out) monitor boxes, fedex boxes (the official 3" wide ones), pie
> > boxes. also he loves sacks. he curls up in them.
> My cat is facinated by brown paper grocery bags.
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