[rescue] OT: Solaris for Intel

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Aug 2 22:09:38 CDT 2001

> Those RS CoCo owners seem to be rather fanatical.  I 
came across a page
> describing how to hack in several megs of ram (like 2 
or 4), and PPP
> implelentations.
Well, they were.  I don't know how many people hardware 
hacked a 64 except for trying to repair blown power 
supplies (they never liked voltage spikes) but the CoCo 
was a dream to put a soldering iron to.   

> What really takes the cake though is C64 owners.  
Multitasking OS and a
> SCSI HD, all on an 8 bit toy.
> 16bit processor (SCPU-20MHz)
8 bit toy with a 16 bit processor?  The CoCo stayed 8 
bit but there was a replacement chip that had a 32 bit 
register so you could do 32 bit math on an 8 bit chip.

> SCSI interface (Any CMD harddisk has it on-board)
> IDE controler (IDE64 for any IDE HDD up to 2x8Gb, 
Atapi CD-Rom)
Available boards/interfaces for the CoCo too.  Used SCSI 
on mine.

> DD/HD 3.5" drive (1581, FD2000)
Did that on the CoCo and not a <2K serial interface 

They both had their place but I preferred the CoCo over 
the 64. More reliable. Radio Shack thought of it as a 
toy but for its price and speed, it was darn powerful 
for a toy.  The only reason it died was that Tandy hired 
someone to run their computer division and he came from 
the Wintel world where nothing else existed.  Several 
other non-PC machines were also discontinued at the same 

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