[rescue] StorageWorks

Dave Reader rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Aug 3 14:46:46 CDT 2001


I'm hoping that someone here can help me understand this DEC Storage
Works SWXSE-22 unit which i've just added to my toy collection.

The unit was dropped by the courier, so it isn't in great shape, but it
seems operational.

I have 4 disks, type RZ29B which are 4Gb or so, and two powersupplies. At
one end is a module with 2 scsi connectors.

Having removed the one disk which has a broken connector, I've powered it
up and hooked up a trusty AHA2940 to it to see whats what.

All of the disks are recognised, but only as 27Mb capacity (!) each.

I've removed the drive from the broken canister and tried that hooked
directly up to the adaptec controller, and that verifies OK as a full 4Gb.

So, I'm wondering if there is something strange about these arrays, or if
i perhaps have a knackered backplane.

It seems odd that it appears to work OK otherwise - the controller finds
the drives and verifies succeed OK on the 27Mb that it thinks they are ;)

The unit was dropped on it's rear - smashing both fan assemblies into the
back .. i assume that this is what broke the connector on one of the

There seems to be little info about these on the web - one page i found
did say that these can be configured to have one or two scsi busses -
anyone have any details for this?



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