[rescue] Mac Appliance

Derrick Daugherty rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Aug 4 01:49:03 CDT 2001

It's rumored that around Sat, Aug 04, 2001 at 01:55:34AM -0400
Brian Hechinger <wonko at arkham.ws> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 12:51:08PM -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
> > 
> >   I dunno...I enjoy that sort of work...it's a challenge, and really
> > hones one's programming skills.  Especially doing things like breaking
> > up loops so that they fit into a particular machine's cache lines, TLB
> > overflow optimization by reordering memory references, and stuff like
> > that.  Try to do THAT in perl. ;)
> but you can't do ANYTHING useful in perl. :)

ummm.. that's quite near-sighted, hopefully joking :)  see porcupine.org, 
look under forensics at tct.  Or any number of other tools... 

Sure it could be done in another language, but it hasn't been.  It's
_damn_ useful.

> hey, i like optimizing.  i think it's fun.  i'm not your average person though
> either. :)  most people i know really don't like optimizing.  it's a large 

I'm sure most readers of this list are complete tweakers :)  Digging
into the how and why things are, or aren't working, is what it's all

We need a magazine that has centerfolds of system boards and processor
design specs...anyone wanna start an ezine? :)


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