[rescue] What is a good terminal?

BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Aug 8 09:54:09 CDT 2001

> >   Basically yes.  I happen to be quite fond of Wyse 99GTs also, but
> > nothing beats a VT.
> i think the fact that everything tries to emulate VT terminals should pretty
> much sum it up.  and the fact that the two of us probably hook most of our
> terminals to DEC hardware.............  :)

The VT100 is the defacto standard in terminal settings.  If nothing else
works exactly correctly, falling back to that nearly always does.  That
is why kermit on a peecee (PUKE!) is nice in a pinch, .... it as a great
vt100 emulation and runs on almost anything.


(I guess I am no. 3 in the hookemuptoaVAXentoy crowd.....(:+}}...)

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