[rescue] Re: sparc 10 hdds

joshua d boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Aug 9 23:20:27 CDT 2001

On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 12:05:29AM -0400, bill pointon wrote:
> hello folks -- sorry to use lack of punctuation and caps etc but i think its a
> waste of keystrokes and time unless its necessary for context - and i type badly
> enough already -- just think eecummings without any of the artifice  ------ ive
> been lurking on the list for a while and im basically a sun newbie who would
> greatly appreciate the assistance of this distinguished and more experienced
> group --   my immediate need is for help as to where i can get a couple of drive
> sleds for a sparc 10 that i just won on ebay ----  cost is primary factor and
> cosmetics dont matter at all -- thanks for any info
> ------- bill pointon --wpointon at earthlink dot net

Ahh, but you do use punctionation.  You type " --  " or something to that
effect to mark the sentences.  In that case you use 5 keystrokes (the more
traditional ".  " only uses 3).  In other cases you use 10 strokes.

So, if what you do doesn't save energy (ie, fewer keystrokes,) then it
most likely is artifice.

As to lack of caps, well, caps just aren't healthy for you anyway
(chording leads to RSI faster, one of the strong points of vi, but I still
prefer emacs).

Joshua D. Boyd

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