[rescue] Sun ISDN/IDSL HOWTO? (was Wanted: ISDN equipment)

Brian Hechinger rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Aug 15 23:09:01 CDT 2001

On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 11:20:12PM -0400, Neil McNeight wrote:
> the LX just to make it work (if I can justify it working, I get to keep it
> :)

it'll do whatever you need, no justification needed.  or just ship it to me,
i'd love to have it. :)

> MediaOne, but the network still seems to be under AT&T control) is
> blocking port 80 and by their conditions of use they are under no
> obligation to unblock it.

blah, sounds like a PITA, but what do ya expect with cable? :)

> So, in order to get my servers back online I either:
> 1) Wait for port 80 to become free again, with no guarantee that they
>    won't do it again

doesn't sounds like an acceptable solution to me anyway.

> 2) Colocate ($80/month at a friends' place)

ugh, that's a little, uhm, pricey? you sure he's a friend? :)

> 3) Sign up for IDSL

what speed options do you have?

> Just exploring options at this point.

DSL is a good option.  IDSL seems to be a little lower on the speed and a little
higher in the cost area, but it also seems to be available where ADSL isn't.

you do know moving is always an option.  i'm tempted to move to baltimore for
that HDSL sambo was talking about. :)

> > R.I.P. Covad (just filed chap. 11)

Covad files chap 11, my ISP files chap 11.  my internet still works.  wonder
how long that's gonna last. :)

> I'm actually still looking at speakeasy.net/Covad. I like speakeasy's
> conditions of use, and I'm not too concerned about Covad's financials (I
> wish I had a year's worth of cash reserves...).

hey, mine still works, so ya never know. :)


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