[rescue] Remove power supply, add RAM - you're right...

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Aug 20 14:26:23 CDT 2001

On Sat, 18 Aug 2001, Ken Hansen wrote:

> Sorry about previous post...
> The Ultra 30 *should* use a standard Plextor drive nicely, maybe James could
> suggest particular lines/models, as he (seemed to indicate) he had built-up
> several U30s.

The Plextors I've tried work great, and I have also used several Toashiba
XM-6201B's.  My personal U30 came with no floppy drive so I had to crimp a
cable to mount the floppy (PC cables were all too strangely shaped or
the wrong length).

> The framebuffers I have in my Ultra 30 are low-end Creator 2D units, under
> $100/ea (try www.twmaster.com or www.anysystem.com) and are *great* for
> general end-user needs - you will not be disappointed.

Agreed.  Creator is a very nice step up from sbus or PCI based
framebuffers (with the possible exception of the Expert3D).


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