[rescue] Is this a POS?

Kurt Huhn rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Aug 21 19:26:25 CDT 2001

> Besides, I think we are about to see even more of a swing back towards
> raytracing.
> --

That, in my opinion, is a Good Thing.  I used POVRay for a very long time
until I bought >gasp< Ray Dream Studio.  Contrary to it'sname - it was
scanline renderer.  The ray trace plugin left much to be desired.

The first time I used 3D Studio MAX (friends machine - wasn't rich enough to
own it at the time) I was very disapointed in the rendering capabilities.
However - I loved the GUI.  The modeler sucked, though.

If I could find a mix of Rhino for modeling capability, MAX for
animation/kinetics/extensability, and POV or BMRT for rendering -
maaaaan........ :)

Oh - it should all run like a champ on an R5K Indy :)


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