[rescue] hrm.

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Aug 23 09:53:00 CDT 2001

> On August 22, Rebecca Ore wrote:
> > Had been too intimidated by the idea that all this required math
> > skills when I was in my 20s.
>   Yeah, my high school was convinced that computers == mathematics.
> That's the biggest crock of steaming crap I've ever heard.  The idiots
> even made the math teachers try to teach computer science, even if
> they'd never seen a computer before in their lives.  I had this great
> deal going with my computer science (and trig) teacher...I'd teach her
> something about Pascal one week, and she'd teach it to the class the
> following week.  Morons.

The problem is that the schools are playing catch up in technology.  We
should have computers that are on the cutting edge so the students will be
ready for what's out there when they graduate.  Ain't happening.  The teachers have 
to learn the stuff while they have a job and 3-4 hours of work a night.  Difficult to
say the least.  I know, I'm there..

> > Biggest hurdle for women, I think, is believing that they can do the
> > work.  
>   Absolutely.  The whole "technical work is for men only" thing is a big
> load of floatables.  
Agreed!  My wife wife works for AT&T and in my opinion, she still shouldn't be doing
logins and IDs as long as she has worked for them unless she wants to have that job.
The school I teach at is a magnet school where students get accepted on ability.
The girl-boy ratio is 3:1.  (Geek heaven!)  I teach science, mainly Physics.  My best
students are female, even in lab.  Now tell me again females can't do technical
things.  Yeah, right.

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