[rescue] Re: Weird VME Cards?

Robert Novak rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Aug 23 23:17:32 CDT 2001

On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Zach Malone wrote:

> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1266646307
> I wen't through the trouble of referencing the Sun Hardware reference on all
> of those boards, and surprizingly, approximatly half of them (see below
> list) had no corresponding entree in the list of boards.  None the less,
> whats the approximate value of these boards, and is it worth bidding?  If
> so, is the hardware reference vastly incomplete, are these items mislisted,
> or are they unusual somehow?

Here's what I came up with. http://www.sunstuff.org/hardware/ is your
friend when hwref comes up short. I even have a tinyfugue trigger to
access my local txt copy :)

500-1236 MAYBE    501-1236 - SCSI host adapter, Sun-3, 4/260/280/330/370/390/490
500-1437 (no idea)
500-8027 MAYBE   501-8027 - SCSI/ethernet controller, 3/E
501-1102   501-1102 - 8 MB, ECC main memory expansion VME board
501-1116   501-1116 - framebuffer, VME, CG3 color single
501-1153   501-1153 - ethernet controller assembly, multibus, Sun 2
501-1156   501-1156 - assembly VME/Mbus w/ tpmaster
501-1166   501-1166 - blank SCSI adapter assembly
501-1203   501-1203 - 16 channel ALM-2 board
501-1206   501-1206 - motherboard, 0 MB, 3/260/280
501-1221   501-1221 - SunLink multiprotocol communications processor (MCP)
501-1333   501-1333 - 32 MB, memory expansion board
501-1381   501-1381 - motherboard, 0 MB, 4/470/490
501-1434   501-1434 - framebuffer, VME, CG9 24-bit color
501-1513   501-1513 - motherboard, VME, 8 MB, FPU, 4/110/150
501-1539   501-1539 - IPI-80/2 disk controller board
501-1563   501-1563 - 24 MB, memory expansion VME board
501-2055   501-2055 - motherboard, 0 MB, FRU, SS600MP

The 600MP board might be of interest, but as to what the cash value is? No
idea. Shipping on 120 pounds is gonna be pretty steep though. Always take
that into account. 

His auction on the 38 pounds of mice is cute, and the "rackmount" PCs (I
have a few of those, guess they're rackmount if you put them on a rack
shelf, eh?) remind me of my last big auction lot.


Robert Novak, Indyramp Consulting * rnovak at indyramp.com * indyramp.com/~rnovak
        "And it's been a long December and there's reason to believe
           Maybe this year will be better than the last...." -- counting crows

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