[rescue] Re: geek vehicles

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Aug 25 23:20:52 CDT 2001

> Is your main issue hardness or channel clogging?  How big of a hole?

Hardness and eventual dulling of the bit.  I managed to pilot drill the
second hole with a regular tungsten bit at 1/4" after hitting that part of
the frame with my oxy-acetyline on low heat.

> if you only have 5mm to go through, drag out a 30k RPM disc cutter and
> some really small discs.

I need an air compressor or I'm going to have to stop doing stuff like
this. ;)  Hell, it saved me $300 in labor and it helped me burn a

> clamp it on either side of the frame where you want the hole to go.  Zap
> it 5 or 10 times as often as you can without exceeding the duty cycle of
> your welder.  This anneals and softens the immediate area enough to make

I ended up on a similar wavelength, only I used combustible gases rather
than electrons. ;)

> If you really need help, I've got a 20KJ capacitor bank in northern
> California just waiting for a use.  :)

20 kilojoules?  Do I even want to know why? hehehehe

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