[rescue] 386BSD
Michael S. Schiller
rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Aug 26 07:05:10 CDT 2001
While going thru some old cdroms I have hanging around here I found a
disc from march 1993 that has 386BSD v0.1 on it. I then dug out an old
laptop I've had sitting around here (a 50mhz 486 w/4m ram, 200m hd) and
proceeded to spend around 2 hours (well, that included digging out the
laptop) and 10 floppies installing it on the laptop! I was only able to
install the bin files, as I had planned on installing the rest of the
files via either nfs, or ftp, but the linksys pcmcia network card I have
apparently isn't supported, so no luck there.
I can't believe I just did this. I must really need to get a real job,
or something. (or maybe I should just get a life?)
*PGP fingerprint= D2 4F A8 B7 13 D5 73 1E 48 99 40 99 F9 BC 74 74 *
*Email: schiller at agrijag.com \|||/ http://www.agrijag.com *
*Voice: 423-625-6349 (o o) FAX: 423-623-9054 *
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