[rescue] 386BSD

Dave McGuire rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Aug 28 14:10:27 CDT 2001

On August 28, Big Endian wrote:
> >>  Nonono you miss the point.  The VT240 is a graphics terminal.  It has
> >>  a DB15 male plug on the back of it which looks identical to the 3100.
> >>  I've been using a shittly little 9" monitor with it but its really
> >>  bad as the alignment is out and it retraces accross the screen...
> >>  then the LK201 plugs into the back of the monitor.  I want to be able
> >>  to hook the 240 up to a better monitor but I'm unsure if it is the
> >>  same cable.
> >
> >hmmm, can one use the cideo cable with the keyboard connector as a replacement
> >for this montior?  if not you are screwed and need to find another 
> >one of these
> >tubes.
> exactly my question.  I also wonder if I could use the tube/kb off 
> the vt240 to get the 3100 installed as i still don't have an mmj 
> cable.

  You can use a VR201 (-A, -B, or -C...green, amber, or white, don't
remember which is which) or a VR241 (color) monitor on a VT240
terminal.  Plugging a VR241 monitor technically makes it a VT241
terminal.  The VR201 monitor is powered by the terminal box, while the
VR241 needs its own AC power.  When you use a VR241 monitor on a VT240
terminal, you use a different video cable...it's got a DB15 on one end
and three BNCs and a modular keyboard connector on the other.

  The VR241 does *not* work on DECstations or VAXstations.  It doesn't
sync anywhere near high enough to support those resoutions.


Dave McGuire
Laurel, MD

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