SGI Prices Tanking (Was: Re: [rescue] nuking from orbit)

Joshua D Boyd rescue at
Thu Aug 30 12:41:02 CDT 2001

On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 11:07:20AM -0400, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:
> Actually, some of them are still not in touch with reality, like the guys
> who list medium-level O2s for $1200.  And mid-level Octanes for $1900.

Those prices seem reasonable to me depending on the company.  If it is as
is, or only a no DOA guarantee, then those are high prices.  But for a
machine with some real waranty and a guaranty that it can easily be put on
a service contract, then those would be reasonable prices for someone who
needs that level of support.

At the current price levels, I think a 128meg 180r5k O2 with AV option
should be worth about $500 to $600.  If things go my way, that is what I
will pay for one in a month or two.
> Not to mention the sleazeballs who try to convince you that an Indy R4600PC
> is a "high performance graphics workstation" or whatnot.

Those people really suck.  And Indys seem to be the worst machines for
people trying to over charge.  It seems to me that the only way an Indy
shoulde be worth more than $150 is if it is an r5k machine, or it has the
cosmo compress or the capture boards (not refering to VINO of course).

Joshua D. Boyd

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