[rescue] 670MP funzies....PC card too?

Joshua D Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Aug 30 12:56:24 CDT 2001

On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 10:18:42AM -0500, BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak wrote:
> Well, she is rabid into W2k or whatever her recent update is at the office.
> She used to run macs at one place she worked, but now it is all Gatesware
> for her.  The kid runs what the schools run.  But, now and then I can get
> the kid to browse on the Suntoyz here in the office.  There may be some
> hope for the kid, yet....(:+}}... I ought to outfit the kid with a good
> SunLinux box as a starter, perhaps....hmmmm, something to think about.

The other evening, my girlfriend confessed her dirty little secret.  She
actually kinda likes macs.  She was suprised that I thought that was

I think a lintel box might be smarter for the kid.  Sure, the hardware
isn't as nice, but then he can get Loki games for it, and will thus
probably "need" windows less.

My solution to the windows game problem was to buy a Playstation.  The
only think I miss is FPS gmaes, and I didn't get into playing them at home
anyway.  I think I might have had I had Duex Ex or Halflife, but I didn't
(well, I have Duex Ex, but never had the free drive space to install
it.  I hear that Halflife is now for linux.  If I ever get 3D acceleration
to work, I'll probably buy it).

Joshua D. Boyd

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