[rescue] OT a real Proliant 800 question

Paul Phillips rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Dec 4 18:35:58 CST 2001

I just bought a Proliant 800 from ebay - I thought I would add a second 
processor and some memory. (it only has 64 meg onboard).

Both of my ideas aren't working out well.  I thought I was buying the right 
memory.  It fits, but doesn't work.

Also the generic VRM that I bought off ebay for Pentium pro processors 
clearly doesn't fit in the slot on the 800 for the voltage module. 
www.ambry.com wants $150.00 for the voltage module, and I only paid $75.00 
for the whole computer!!

So - anybody know a reasonably priced source for memory for this thing, or 
for the voltage module?

Paul Phillips
Director of Orchestral Activities, Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University

"You must sing every note you play, sing even through the rests!"
Arturo Toscanini

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