[rescue] OT a real Proliant 800 question

George Adkins rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Dec 4 21:24:51 CST 2001

> > > I just bought a Proliant 800 from ebay - I thought I would add a second
> > > processor and some memory. (it only has 64 meg onboard).
> > >
> > > Both of my ideas aren't working out well.  I thought I was buying the
> > right
> > > memory.  It fits, but doesn't work
> The memory you need is 168 pin, EDO ECC memory It is not very hard to find.
> Many Compaq server take the same memory. also the U5/10 take the same
> memory.

EDO ECC 60ns Unbuffered.  Be careful, many of the the larger compaq servers 
use buffered dimms.  The U5/U10 also take Buffered dimms.  

> > > Also the generic VRM that I bought off ebay for Pentium pro processors
> > > clearly doesn't fit in the slot on the 800 for the voltage module.
> > > www.ambry.com wants $150.00 for the voltage module, and I only paid
> > > $75.00 for the whole computer!!

plain old generic PPro VRM's should work,  should look like a small PC board 
with some components and a dual row pin header on the edge of it.  If what 
you have looks like a small 72 pin SIMM with Voltage Regulator components on 
it, then you have the VRM from a larger Compaq Server, like 1 5000, or 6500.


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