[rescue] Spaceballs.

Dan Sikorski rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Dec 7 20:28:03 CST 2001

On Fri, 2001-12-07 at 18:49, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

> When you say old (oldest?) SGI Spaceball, did it look like the one in this
> auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1306762691
> except with an SGI instead of an HP logo?  The one in the picture is the one
> I want (well, or the same model.  I don't care if it is that one or another
> identical one, or even an SGI 2003, IBM, Spacetec, etc.  If it looks like that
> and says 2003, I think they are all the same except for the logo).

that is precisely what i have, except mine doesn't have any logo/name on
it other than spaceball.  I'm guessing then that mine does need one of
those funky power adaptors that go in over the serial port.  Can anyone
who has one of these get me the pinout for the power?  (i see that it
needs 9v, 0.2A now that i've dug it up)

	-Dan Sikorski

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