[rescue] Interactive Unix?

Loomis, Rip rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Dec 10 14:47:46 CST 2001

Hmmm...fact check says "bzzt":


As of 1996, Sun was still selling IU and admin
guides to it:

Reading between the lines, and based on what I
remember (with some help from e-mails from Bill),
here are some opinions disguised as fact:
  - Sun ported SunOS (4.x originally, IIRC) to
	the 386i, but the port always had issues
  - Sun bought Interactive UNIX from Kodak, and
 	used its device handling/kernel shtuff as
	inputs into the x86 SunOS/Solaris port.
  - By the time Solaris 7/x86 rolled around,
	it was almost usable.  By then, though, other
	*IX operating systems on Intel hardware
	had surpassed it in most important ways--
	unless your primary concern was source
	code compatibility with Solaris/SPARC.

Hey, at least it wasn't Intergraph UNIX...which is
what I was also admin-ing in 1990 at about the
same time as I was running a Sun 386i.

Anyone have any specifics to counter any of the
above?  I'll freely admit that my memory is
fallible, and I'd love an education on this.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: woods at weird.com [mailto:woods at weird.com]
> Sent: Monday, 10 December, 2001 15:27
> To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> Subject: RE: [rescue] Interactive Unix?
> [ On Monday, December 10, 2001 at 13:46:05 (-0600), Randy 
> Bowie wrote: ]
> > Subject: RE: [rescue] Interactive Unix?
> >
> > I thought Interactive Unix was a SCO competitor.  
> Yup.
> > I think Sun bought Interactive Unix which then became 
> Solaris for Intel.
> I don't remember that.  IIRC, Solaris for Intel started life as just a
> port of SunOS-5 to i386, originally done for the Sun 386i box.
> I don't know who ended up with ISC after Eastman Kodak, if indeed it's
> not still a subsiduary of Kodak.

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