[rescue] the Last DPS-9/CP6 system is now offline.

Timothy Lawless rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Dec 11 17:50:14 CST 2001

FYI, for anyone Intrested. 

I recieved word that "The University of Southern Mississippi"
has shutdown and is preparing to sell at public auction 
(or failing that, trash) a Honeywell/Bull DPS-9 (and some
parts from the legacy DPS-8) Running CP6. The only other
opperating system that this system could run would be GECOS.

Additionally, a second (backup) is/will be shortly powered
off and may join the larger system in the auction (calf.cc.usm.edu)

(History of CP-6 and the DPS Platform is at 
 http://perso.club-internet.fr/febcm/english/gecos_to_gecos8_part_2.htm )

This machine was powerd off from a production state yesterday
afternoon, after being in service for aproximately 18 years. Despite
being an antiquated system, it was even internet aware, providing
such services as SMTP (only could accept one connection at a time),
telnet, and ftp.

The date when the system will hit public auction is unknown, but
information may be avilable through the Office of Technology Resources
at (601) 266 4000.


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