OT Linux (RE: [rescue] OT: Stuffed Proliant?)

Joshua D Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Dec 22 13:13:43 CST 2001

On Sat, Dec 22, 2001 at 10:51:57AM -0800, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> From my personal experience, SPARCs suck at SSH.  OpenBSD on my SS2 took
> a couple of hours to generate a DSA key, and on my 486-50, it took like
> 5 minutes.  The SS2 has 64MB of ram, while the 486 had 16MB.  It seems
> to take quite a bit longer to initiate connections to SPARC machines
> than it does x86 machines using ssh, and the machines aren't heavily
> loaded.  Not sure what that means, exactly...

I've never had any trouble with SSHing into a 40mhz Sparc 10.  Heck, most of
the time it was more responsive than the dual P3 machine that replaced it.  I 
suspect that this might be a configuration problem on the P3, since as much
as we might dislike Intel, there is no reason to expect a 40mhz SS10 to out
perform such a newer machine.

Joshua D. Boyd

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