[SunRescue] Re: SS2 running headless

Dave McGuire rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Feb 11 12:07:17 CST 2001

On February 11, paul at anastrophe.com wrote:
> > A few things... 
> > 
> > 1) Runnig the machine with *no* console is not a *great*
> >    idea, but it should be OK.
> why do you say that? (currently running 18 servers headless and without 
> console port connected, for the last two years, and would never even 
> consider running the desktop on them since it's such a security sphincter)

  I second this, Ken.  In the server and ISP industries, running
machines with no console is the norm.  At Digex, for example (before
the place went down the tubes, that is) picture hundreds of SS2 and
SS5 systems on shelves in racks...in the middle of the computer room,
a table and chair with a couple of VT320s with *very* long MMJ cables.

  It's a very workable situation and has never given me any grief.

          -Dave McGuire

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