[SunRescue] SS1 losteth its minde.... need eprom refresh..... (:+{{...
Wazir, Deborah
rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Feb 13 09:39:42 CST 2001
You can reprogram the idprom and give it any hostid and ethernet address you
want. I use the instructions in the SUN NVRAM/hostid FAQ, at
http://www.squirrel.com/squirrel/sun-nvram-hostid.faq.html. Just quickly,
here is the example they gave that I worked from:
e.g. modify the hostid of an IPX to be 57c0ffee and the ethernet address to
be 08:00:20:c0:ff:ee. At the OpenBoot monitor prompt (ok)type this:
1 0 mkp
8 2 mkp
0 3 mkp
20 4 mkp
c0 5 mkp
ff 6 mkp
ee 7 mkp
0 8 mkp
0 9 mkp
0 a mkp
0 b mkp
c0 c mkp
ff d mkp
ee e mkp
0 f 0 do i idprom@ xor loop f mkp
These changes should last until the next time you remove power. You should
still be able to turn off the machine if you need to . The FAQ explains
exactly what all those commands do, but this should get you started. Just
substitute whatever values you normally used. You did write down what the
old hostid and ethernet address were before, right?
Hope this helps -
Deborah Wazir
> -----Original Message-----
> From: BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak
> [mailto:bobkeys at weedcon1.cropsci.ncsu.edu]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 10:06 AM
> To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> Subject: [SunRescue] SS1 losteth its minde.... need eprom
> refresh.....(:+{{...
> Finally my old SS1 crate lost its mind.... ahh, er, nvram
> battery power.
> Where does one find these silly chips, these days? And, what does one
> need to restore into the thing to get it operating again? I
> should have
> run an eepromscript on it, drat! I am beginning to hate these silly
> nvram chips in Sunboxes.... DEC had it right, with the 3 AAA cells
> that are so easy to fix by wiring up a spare set from the corner
> grocery store battery packs. All my Sunboxes are beginning
> to die off.
> It could get more expensive than they are worth to replace
> these things.
> Thanks
> Bob
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