[SunRescue] Hi, I'm Steve, and I have a problem. . .

Peter L. Wargo rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Feb 13 13:47:40 CST 2001

I *had* to give up caffeine years ago due to a stomach problem.  This
after being a late-night DJ and drinking a couple of POTS a night.  This
is AFTER I gave up smoking as well...

The plus is that I no longer have up/down cycles in my day.

The negative is that I cannot have chocolate either, as I get massive
cramps from it.

I have found that I can take Yerba Mate, which does have caffeine, but
it seems to be a less problematic version of it.


Peter L. Wargo
pwargo at basenji.com
Owner/operator of basenji.com.

On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Hatle, Steven J. wrote:

> Dan,
> Some day, by accident or design, you are going to be cut off from your
> caffeine supply, and then you are going to have one fsck'ing mother of a
> headache for two days. You'll feel like you are going to die, and then
> you'll feel worse, because you realize you _won't_, and dying would be a
> blessing. 
> I went cold turkey for a month the day after I realized I drank 3 cups of
> coffee and then a 12 pack of Diet Coke in a 15 hour period. I drink one cup
> of coffee and no more than two Diet Cokes a day now, and I can feel 'em- but
> I can also sleep at night, too! <grin>
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> no coffee for a few days!!! don't know about you guys but I don't think I
> would last a full day without caffine!
> Fell asleep at my desk yesterday... had to have 3 cans of red bull to keep
> me up :(
> -- 
> Dan Lane (d at x11.net)
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