[SunRescue] (way OT): Pallets

John Honniball rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Jan 5 05:32:04 CST 2001

> From: rescue-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:rescue-admin at sunhelp.org]On
> Behalf Of Mike Turner
> 	 For example I forever wanted to get into SCSI for my PCs but did
> not want to incur the cost of buying a card and drives ETC. I got a chance
> to get both a card and a burner for some work I did as payment and I took
> it. Ever since then SCSI stuff just falls into my lap, Card, drives, etc. No
> end of the stuff in sight. Has anyone else expereinced this having to "prime
> the pump" before stuff is given to them?

Yes, same here.  I brought a Mac Plus (original all-in-one 
upright design, 512k memory) into the office, just for a 
laugh.  People saw it and said, "I've got one of those -- 
do you want it?" and I acquired two more Mac Pluses.

John Honniball
Email: John.Honniball at uwe.ac.uk
University of the West of England

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