[SunRescue] SS10: Suspect Viking Module

Mattias Paulsson rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Jan 5 09:48:11 CST 2001


when exchanging the SM40 Mbus board in my SS10 with a SM50 (501-2708) I get the following messages when it is supposed to boot:

     ERROR : Address = 00000028,  exp[31:00] = ffffffff, obs[31:00] = d9ffffff, xor[31:00] = 26000000
     U-NUMBER : Suspect Viking Module, MBus Slot 0
Watchdog Reset
Type  help  for more information

swapping back the old CPU board does work but not this 'new' one. I guess this can be a rather common problem. Any ideas?

M.Paulsson - Perl programmer / systems architect / protector of squids

"- Plus the Camel maskot is a hell of a lot cooler than a cup of coffee!!"

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