[SunRescue] Router vs. PC with router/firewall software...

Mike Hebel rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Jan 5 12:47:11 CST 2001

>>Leafnode functions much more like a traditional news server, and support
>>for on the fly caching of new groups is minimal compared with NNTPcache.
>>It also doesn't seem to scale anywhere near as well, I've used NNTPcache
>>in front of INN on a LAN just to boost local performance (not surprising
>>as INN has terrible fs bottlenecks in most installations).

I'm still having trouble understanding the feed/server thing though.  Is
there any good on-line docs about this or do I have to fork over and buy an
O'Riely's on this?  (Probably not a bad idea regardless.)

>>I recommend trying both.

I suspect I will be trying both and much more than that. ;-)

Mike Hebel

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