[SunRescue] OT: natural gas prices

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Jan 8 20:43:03 CST 2001

Be happy you don't like in California.  We, the slave-dogs to Pacific Gas
and Electric, are taking it from both ends.  I can't even heat my house
with my boxes anymore!!

Ed Mitchell (ed<-at->the7thbeer.com)
Finger for PGP public key
This boxen's uptime stats....
  6:41pm  up 94 day(s),  9:25,  1 user,  load average: 1.01, 1.07, 1.06

On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Bill Bradford wrote:

> Did anybody else's natural gas prices rise EXORBITANTLY?
> My monthly bill went from $30 (same amount its been for the
> past 2 years) to $125!!!  Guy at the gas company said their
> per-unit cost went from like $0.35 to around $1.25.
> Fortunately, they've also got a "average bill" plan, where
> they add up my bill for the past 2 years, divide by 24, and
> I pay that same amount every month.. so my bill will only
> go to $35/month....  man, I started to freak when he said
> my December bill was $125 tho.  Made it sound like I was
> sitting there roasting hot dogs off the flame on the stove
> or something. 8-)
> Bill
> -- 
> Bill Bradford | email: mrbill at mrbill.net  ICQ: 1864511
> Austin, TX    | MSN Messenger: bigroundeye at hotmail.com
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