Mail tools (was Re: [SunRescue] RE: Solaris 1.1 on a 4/330)

Peter L. Wargo rescue at
Sun Jan 14 15:36:36 CST 2001

on 1/13/01 21:35, Dave McGuire at mcguire at wrote:

> Hmmm...recent messages?  I don't think I've seen any.  Are you using
> microsoft products to send your email?

Ya know, as much as I hate to admit it, I use outlook express to check my
mail.  Why?  because I am ADDICTED to my iBook, and the ability to
wirelessly check my mail wherever I am in the house.  What pains me is that
Mickeysoft's mac group is putting out some really good software - OE and IE
for the mac are way better than Eudora Pro and Netscape.  Sad, but true.

It kind of leaves me torn, 'till I think: "Well, I imagine being a mac
developer at mickeysoft is a tough row to hoe, so I have to admire 'em"

Then I feel better, somewhat.


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