Airport (Re: [SunRescue] Wireless video senders)

Peter L. Wargo rescue at
Mon Jan 15 14:26:05 CST 2001

on 1/15/01 8:17, Bill Bradford at mrbill at wrote:

> Yeah - I've heard that the 802.11b wireless ethernet stuff
> will interfere with it as well.

Yeah, we''ve got a set of Vtech phones in the house, and you can hear a
"tick........tick....." from time to time.  I suspect it's the Airport we
use for my iBook and Chan's G3 laptop.  I've played a bit with channels, I
need to play some more at some point.

Doesn't seem to affect the Airport, however - it cranks along at a good
clip.  It is nice to be able to check your Email while sitting in the comfy
couch in fron to the tube.


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