[SunRescue] OK, I am confused now

jcarver rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Jan 31 00:57:29 CST 2001

Hi Mike,

I believe the terms single sided and two sided simms originated when the
chip technology was such that 1 meg, 4 meg, and 16 meg simms were in fact
populated on only "1 side". 2 meg, 8 meg and 32 meg simms were fabbed with
chips that required using both sides of the simm board. Most LX's will see 32
parity simms in mem slots 1 and 2, while the other 4 only work with 4 or 16 meg

simms. With this arraignment you can get 128 megs of mem in an LX. The terms
"single sided" and "dual sided" today, usually refer to amount of mem on the
rather than actual chip count.


Mike Nicewonger wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have always been told that an LX cannot have two sided memory in anything
> other than bank one. Well I just put 6 pieces of IPX memory, 33 bit 17 chip
> OEM Sun, SIMMs in the box and well it works, it sees all 96 megs. Have I
> been puffing on my crack pipe too long?
> Mike N
> Lottery: a tax on those bad at math.
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