[rescue] Report from Laurel, MD trip and a note to those of us *selling* i tems on eBay...

Brian Hechinger rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Jul 9 17:56:54 CDT 2001

On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 02:28:30PM -0500, Bill Bradford wrote:
> RAIN?  Redundant Array of Inexpensive NeXTs? 8-)

hmm, reminds me of years and years ago.  RAIP: Redundant Array of Inexpensive
PCs (which at the time of the idea, the only cheap PCs were the 8088/8086
variety since i paid a pretty penny for my 386, 286s were still pretty pricey
and the 486 was unheard of) and yes, the pun on the pronounciation[sic] is 
intentional. :)

> Did you see the PDP8 that dave acquired recently?  He still needs to
> send me pictures, because I was originally gonna buy it and then
> shuffled it his direction (for a "might as well be free" price, compared
> to PDP8 ebay prices)...  8-) BLINKYLIGHTS!

stop already.  you guys are really making me miss my PDP-8e.  god i miss that
thing.  and the front panel was mint.  *sigh*  hey dave, you need flip-chips 
for yours just yell, the chassis got lost the the Dreaded Garage Fire of '96 
but the boards where all in a box in my house.


ps: if anyone has spare PDP8 parts let me know, i wouldn't mind trying to
rebuild another -8 if i could.

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