[rescue] What to look for when looking at a 670mp

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Jul 10 20:27:35 CDT 2001

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Rebecca Ore wrote:

> One of the SS5's I have came with the card that has both the 100BastT
> card and the MII interface.  I'm curious about the MII inerface -- a
> quick search on Google didn't show any short explanation of it.

MII = Media Independent Interface.  It can be used to hook other
transcievers for different media with the same signalling (such as
single and multimode fibre).  MII transcievers are usually $$$ new though
as the market is relatively small.

> I take it the extra card could be used to make the SS5 a firewall.


To all who have emailed me asking about media & other goodies, I'm
replying to the emails as I get a chance.  Caught a nasty cold here and am
trying to keep myself offline as much as possible.


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