[rescue] on the subject of the 4D/xx...

Flinthoof Ponypal rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Jul 10 21:19:11 CDT 2001

At 10:05 PM 7/10/01 -0400, you wrote:
>I don't think I've ever seen furry pics quite like yours.  I used to
>rabbits and cats, not deers and dragons.

You should check out Vixen Controlled Library (VCL) at:


Quite literally thousands of anthropomorphic drawings there.
 |             |   1968 Triumph Spitfire Mk III   *   Furry Artist      |
 |  Flinthoof  |--------------------------------------------------------|
 |     Dan     |--------------------------------------------------------| 
 |    Canaan   |     ConiFur NorthWest 2001 - Furries in Seattle!       |
 |             |--------------------------------------------------------|
 | CONIFUR NW  |   Flinters at picarefy.com * http://jarmac.picarefy.com   |

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