Removing OBP/EEPROM passwords (was RE: [rescue] ID this card???)

Dave McGuire rescue at
Sat Jul 14 04:25:56 CDT 2001

On July 13, Dan Debertin wrote:
> > So, what's a Classic good for?
> If you like NetBSD, they make nice, compact, reasonably fast workstations.
> Solaris runs pretty slow on them, however.
> If you're looking at serving, probably anything low-bandwidth and low-io
> would be fine. DNS, low-traffic websites, etc. I wouldn't server databases
> on one in anything but an experimental capacity.
> In either the workstation or light-load server functions, NetBSD is nice
> and snappy in the Classic.

  I second this.  I've run NetBSD on several of them in applications
like these with good results and no surprises.

            -Dave McGuire

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