[rescue] 670MP & 501-1901

Cookie rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Jul 14 15:41:06 CDT 2001

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   I took all of the suggestions from my last
query, and applied them to my machine.
The problem is while the 600MP board
runs fine by itself, when you add the first
memory expansion board the system comes
up to the  ok> prompt, but as soon you boot,
it locks on initializing  memory.
   If you add the second board... the machine
locks immediatly with the diagnostic led's
looking like
Top (x is on o is off) Bottom
when I attach a serial terminal and set the
diagnostic switch from norm to diag
i get what looks like all good tests.

sparcsystem 600 bootprom selftest v5.4.1

<<<< probing devices >>>>
cpu0> imp.ver= rt620.1.E   cc.imp.ver= rt625.1.7
cpu1> imp.ver= rt620.1.E   cc.imp.ver= rt625.1.7
cpu2> imp.ver= rt620.1.E   cc.imp.ver= rt625.1.7
cpu3> imp.ver= rt620.1.E   cc.imp.ver= rt625.1.7
mem-bank0> 64 meg   :->
mem-bank1> 64 meg   :->
mem-bank4> 64 meg   :->
mem-bank5> 64 meg   :->
mem-bank6> 64 meg   :->
mem-bank7> 64 meg   :->
mem-bank8> 64 meg   :->
mem-bank9> 64 meg   :->
mem-bankA> 64 meg   :->
mem-bankB> 64 meg   :->
mem-total> 640 meg

<<<<<<<< begin cpu0 and system tests >>>>>>>>

memory quick walking 1's test {cpu0, pass=0}|
memory quick address test {cpu0, pass=0}/
memory quick access size test {cpu0, pass=0}\
limited memory test {cpu0, pass=0}\
fpu test {cpu0, pass=0}|
mmu bypass mode test {cpu0, pass=0}
     byte bypass mode/
     halfword bypass mode-
     word bypass mode\
     dbl word bypass mode|
ross register test {cpu0, pass=0}\

   If anyone can offer advice I would really
appreciate it, as I am at wits end.
Brian Cook

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