[rescue] OT: Solaris for Intel

Brian Hechinger rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Jul 24 18:02:20 CDT 2001

On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 03:58:54PM -0700, Brian Dunbar wrote:
> If you have a herd of Intel boxes and don't especially have (nor desire) the
> licesnes for NT/W2K, doesn't Solaris x86 make sense?  I'm thinking they'd
> make good low -end workstations (or at least nifty toys).  Or am I missing
> something . . .

if solaris/x86 supports your hardware it isn't too terrible, but the HCL for
solaris/x86 is annoyingly short.  you will have a much better chance of getting
(Free|Net|Open)BSD/Linux/ to run on your hardware than you do Solaris/x86.
i've tried to put x86 on boxes that were really rather standard, and i just u
couldn't get it to work.

other than that?  beats me, i'm an anti-x86 biggot so i don't mess with the
crap that often.


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