[rescue] OT: Solaris for Intel

joshua d boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Jul 26 14:52:09 CDT 2001

On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 12:08:06PM -0400, sambo at charm.net wrote:
> Ken Hansen wrote:
> > My son runs Win98 because, well, there is no educational software for
> > Solaris ;^)

Write your own?  That's what my mom used to do when I was knee high to a
grass hopper.  I was talking to an assoc. prof. at school, and she writes
all sorts of games for her kids Mac.  Don't know what environment she used
for the Mac.  She is a real NeXT buf, but I don't think her kids' Mac is
new enough for OSX, and she's been writing them games for a long time.
> Yep. See my comment from when I first got here re: my (5-yr old)
> daughter wanting the PIII that was playing web server. Brian H. asked
> what was wrong with Soalris for her. I believ I said some thing to the
> effect that "Freddi Fish don't do Unix".
> S'a shame. Do we see a market here? Do we port $12 kids software to $10K
> workstations?
> Hmmm.... no.

But we should to $500 to $1k workstations, and once that's done, the
million dollar E10k version comes for free.

Joshua D. Boyd

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