[rescue] 600MP proms

Dan Debertin rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Jun 16 11:41:35 CDT 2001

On Sat, 16 Jun 2001, Cookie wrote:

>    I have some older Ross Proms just sitting in a
> plastic case.  They are 2.14, but no idea on the revision.

2.14 is new enough for me. I just want to be able to run later
SuperSPARCs, and maybe some of the midrange HyperSPARCs once the prices
get a little less insane.

>    Although it did do a very cool thing when I first installed it.
> It went through a "discovery process" that I am at a loss to
> get it to repeat. (if anyone knows a command I can run to
> make it do it again, i could really use it )  It looked for and
> initialized memory by Bank (1-12)

This sounds a bit like what happens when you "setenv diag-switch? true".

Dan Debertin
airboss at nodewarrior.org

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