[rescue] Re: SGI

Joshua D. Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Jun 26 16:43:28 CDT 2001

Well, originally, the O2 came with a nice video module.  That later
became an option though, so if it is a really old O2, then it probably has
video, if it is fairly new, probably no go.

However, the video modules are fairly cheap on ebay.

Joshua Boyd

On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, robert at rits.com.au wrote:

> >> I would call that a killer deal if it's complete.
> > Yes.  I'd pay that for an O2 in a heartbeat.
> Well I did say it was a base config, R5000-180, 64Mb RAM, 2Gb disk, no idea 
> about audio/video modules but I'd guess whatever the minimum spec was when 
> the thing was new.  Would you call that complete?
> Then of course I'd have to justify it to the wife, the Ultra 2 was a tough 
> sell and it's not even in the country yet.
> Rob.
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