[SunRescue] SunRay 1 software

Dan Lane rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Mar 8 09:16:02 CST 2001

Do you often find things just showing up on your doorstep without notice??

if so, when you move, can I take your place? :P

Dan Lane (d at x11.net)

Web: http://www.logicbomb.net
PGP Key: http://www.logicbomb.net/pgpkey

Bill Bradford sent the following on Thu, 8 Mar 2001...

> Anybody got the server-side software for a SunRay 1, or know of any
> Linux, etc, ports for the device?  One showed up on my doorstop this
> morning via FedEx....
> I also need the part # for the smart card....
> Bill

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