[SunRescue] editors

amy rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Mar 8 19:31:43 CST 2001

"Devin L. Ganger" wrote:

> Okay, let's put it another way, one that isn't nearly as subtle.

by all means, go ahead. be my guest. :)

> Some of you folks may have the free time and the bandwidth to waste.
> Jolly for you.  Some of us don't.  Some of us very carefully limit the
> mailing lists we are on, the newsgroups we read, and the other forums we
> participate in precisely to avoid this kind of crap.

free time? i'm busy planning my wedding to bill bradford and subsequent
widowing to sunhelp. not much free time there. bandwidth to waste?
mmmm...possibly you have me cornered on this one yet i'd wager that most
of you out there have plenty of bandwidth to waste. after all, the days
of 14.4 are long gone and that extra 5k of emacs vs. vi isnt even
remotely affecting anyone.

> When I joined this list, the info blurb I received said nothing about
> editor holy wars, rambling off-topic conversations, or so on.  So if
> you've just got to go on and on, relate it back to the topic already,
> please?

ok, devin. how 'bout i inform you right now that the sunrescue list
tends to wander on and off topic ceaselessly and its regular posters
tend to talk and expound upon what they will. they are given leave to do
so--by myself and most importantly by bill (remember him? he's the nice
list manager). 

if you have a problem with this i highly suggest you unsubscribe and
save all of us out here with copious bandwidth and a lack of free time
your bitching, moaning, whining, and complaining.

> It's some basic common courtesy and netiquette.

you're quite correct.

have a nice day and thank you for your time :)


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